State Media Coöperative

CMS Logo.png

The State Media Coöperative is Sandus’s fifth coöperative which manages Sandum media and content creation. Created on 3 August 2017, the SMC took over the management of several previously established Sandum print and audiovisual media outlets. For the first time, after the authorisation of the cooperative’s IN-01 form, all of Sandus’s media organisms fell under one state-run cooperative.

Digital Print Media:
Veritum Sandus — the official journal of the State of Sandus
Sacerdotium — the official journal of the Collegium Sacerdotum
Voice of Sandus — the official journal of the Citizens’ Party of Sandus
Tellus Sibyl — the inactive seasonal newsletter of Tellus Agrarian Coöperative

Audiovisual Media:
Channum Unum — the online television network of the State of Sandus
Radio Patria — the online radio station of the State of Sandus

Effectively, little changed in the structure of Sandum media with the advent of the coöperative, though now the coöperative manages all media in Sandus and writers and content creators for Sandum media are protected by Sandum law as workers. The media organs will continue to operate and produce media in the manner in which they have traditionally done so and with the same editorial structure.

Following discussions with the Sôgmô and the Party Secretary in the evening of 3 August, it was decided to come to a political decision so that media organs associated with coöperatives can remain associated, where now the various associated media organisations are overlapping between the SMC and their associated coöperatives. Editorial functions will remain in the hands of the respective heads of the associated coöperative, while management has been placed in the hands of the SMC. This means, for example, that the SMC will manage SacerdotiumVoice of Sandus, and Tellus Sibyl, but the editors for these three associated journals will be the leaders of the respective coöperatives.

In addition, the coöperative has been tasked with managing future development of Sandum media and with providing a future plan for media development of media organs which are critically importantly but have become inactive recently. One key goal will be to restart Sandus’s audiovisual media, of which both Channum Unum and Radio Patria have been plagued by inactivity.

Read the State Media Coöperative’s founding notice, based on its IN-01 form, here.

On 7 August 2018, the Sôgmô announced that the State Media Coöperative would associate itself with the media organs of Sandus’s Francophone allies, Aigues-Mortes and Saint-Castin, through their organs RTAM (Radio-Télévision de la Principauté d’Aigues-Mortes) and CRBS (Castinian Regional Broadcasting Service) and under a new media platform called M’nat. The group’s purpose is to adapt to their TV audiences’ new demeanor, to develop multicultural programs, and to diversify their content. Moreover, the coöperative corporation bears the common pool of content, technical means, graphics artists, and financers. Each micronational media organ, however, conserves its own identity (RTAM, CRBS, SMC) respective to each micronation.

As a part of M’nat, the State Media Coöperative is known as CMS after its French name, la Cooperative des média de Sandus.

All Sandum graphic media is produced by the State Media Coöperative.