Citizens’ Party of Sandus


Socialism is one of the three parts of the Sandum Philosophy. Sandus has always been Socialist, since its very first conception as a micronation in May 2009. Sandus has always believed in the rights of the Sandum working class and the Sovereign People of our State to own, manage, and govern the economy: this is not just a matter of developing a strong micronation under a Socialist and collectivist State, but it is also a matter of improving the Sandum People’s welfare and thus reducing their suffering. Therefore, Socialism is Sandus’s solution to the issue of systemic suffering raised in the Sandum Philosophy’s Buddhist tenet: if suffering exists as a common link of humanity, then the work of the individual and of the nation-state must work to resolve it. The role of the Party is ultimately to guide Sandus to building our micronation and our Socialist system.

The Citizens’ Communist Party of Sandus was created in June 2009 under the direction of then-Lama Guillaume Sœrgel, now known as Sôgmô Gaius Sörgel Publicola. It has existed as the only political party in Sandus since then, and it has been involved in the governance of Sandus since then — especially during the time of the reign of the Democratic People’s Republic of Sandus from April to August 2010. The Party, however, was only an organisation in name only and the inner workings of the Party were inactive until the Party held its first Party Congress in November 2011 after the Foundation of the State of Sandus in April 2011. In December 2011, the Sôgmô passed a law enfranchising the Party into the governmental system of the State of Sandus, thereby fulfilling a resolution of the Party Congress the month before. The law further added to the Republican system in Sandus, where the Party became tasked with being an advisory body to the Office of the Sôgmô and being a democratic forum for all Sandum citizens.

The Party today functions as a meeting point for politically engaged citizens to propose policies and changes of policies in Sandus, create new plans and constitutional changes, and elect a new Secretary for the Party. In the running of government, the Party is responsible for advising the Sôgmô and the Central People’s Government on the economy and workers’ interests. In December 2013, the Party announced the publication of the CCPS Party Plan 2014 which puts forth specific projected plans in the three fields of economic, politics, and society that the Party will work towards. The Party has been a proponent for the 2015 Economic Goal and the «All-Citizens United» Plan, where the People and State of Sandus will pragmatically advance through common work. In sum, the Party’s work is to work towards the betterment of the People in terms of the development of the Sandum economy and the creation of a social welfare system in Sandus.

The Secretary of the Party is Secretary Adam Camillus von Friedeck.

At the 2014 CCPS Party Congress, the Party removed all references to Communism in its name and official ideology, instead focusing on Socialism as an element of the Sandum Philosophy. It was decided that a separate non-partisan, direct-democratic Council will be formed from the Party and the Party will lose its function as a democratic proto-parliament. The Party’s power as the advising body to the Sôgmô in terms of Socialism, however, continued even after the Council was established. In the future, the government of the Party will be developed as the Party becomes more involved in government and active as an independent political cooperative within Sandus. In addition to future plans for the Council, Sandus will also seek to develop the governance of the Party and create a meritocratic Party where the active and dedicated citizens of Sandus will be able to become members of the Party. A nomenclature system may be developed to recommend those who should be appointed to positions, though it must be determined if the Council or the Sôgmô will ultimately decide and how that process will operate. The Party in the near future will have to represent a government that operates on a consensus basis and that will work with the Sôgmô in order to transition from monarchical or autocratic governance to republican governance.

Though the Party’s role in the Sandum government may be controversial, especially considering its history as a communist party, a super-majority of citizens believe that Sandus is better off with the enfranchised Party that helps to preserve our fledgling republican government and defend the interests of Sandum working-class people through a teamwork of active and dedicated Sandum citizens.

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