
The term “nobility,” or nobilitas, comes from the Latin verb nobilito, “to make known.” In Sandus, the nature of our nobility means to show that certain Sandum citizens and Sandum friends are made noble, or “known,” because of their hard work and dedication to our country.

The Sandum system of nobility was established on 28 April 2017 by a decree from the Office of the Sôgmô. The system created a series of ranks for Sandum citizens based on their meritorious service and work to Sandus, starting from the rank of citizen and worker as “gentlepeople” to the rank of baron for the highest public offices in Sandus. The four ranks of Sandum nobility are gentlepeople, knights, baronets, and barons; the Sôgmô comprises a fifth and supreme rank. The system comes with a variety of complexities and idiosyncracies, as well. For example, nobles are never allowed to “draw attention to one’s status of nobility in situations other than a formal state or ceremonial setting.”

Click here to read the decree and the announcement of the Sandum system of nobility.

Nobles of Sandus


The rank of Sôgmô, who is Gaius Soergel Publicola, is the highest rank in the Sandum Table of Noble Ranks. Það is the sovereign of the State of Sandus and is the fons honorum of all Sandum awards, decorations, and honours.

Barons and Baronesses

There are currently no recipients of this rank.

Baronets and Baronetesses

Sandus has one baronet:
Baronet Adam Camillus von Friedeck, Baronet Eliot

Baronet - Adam von Friedeck

Knights and Dames

Sandus has one knight, who is not a Sandum citizen, and two dames:
Dame Artemis Baca
Dame Sisenna Melville
Sir Charles Edward Wright

Gentlemen, Gentlewomen, and Gentlepeople

Sandus has five gentlepeople:
Oliver Armstrong, Esq.
Artemis Baca, Esq.
Jacob Barnet Pharmacologus Σαρκαστικός, Esq.
Sisenna Melville, Esq.
Adam Camillus von Friedeck, Esq.