Collegium Sacerdotum

The Collegium Sacerdotum (Latin: “College of Priests”) is a religious, philosophical, and cultural coöperative of the State of Sandus. The coöperative is tasked with being an organisation and venue for citizens to express their religious and philosophical beliefs, being an academic institution to develop Sandus’s independent culture—also known as “Sancta” culture, and the education and preservation of religious and philosophical beliefs that are either dead or on the cusp of death.

The college is run by a high priest, or “Sacer Flamen”, which is by law always the Sôgmô. Citizens and non-citizens alike may join the Collegium, and certain members may become flamines in a certain area of religious, philosophical, or historical study. “Flamines maiores” are appointed to represent certain specific religions or pantheons, whereas “Flamines minores” are those with a specific task. A by-law of Iunii MMXIV (June 2014) also established certain theoretical “sodalitaties,” or semi-autonomous confraternal bodies, in the College charged with specific functions for such matters as: religious expression, modern pagan studies, indigenous people’s culture, philosophy in Sandus, work with the Kremlum Sandus State College, micropatriological studies, Sancta culture, and the Sacerdotium editorial board.

The Collegium Sacerdotum and its journal «Sacerdotium» can be found here.

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