Sandus, MicroFrancophonie respond to Pavlov Terrorism List

La MicroFrancophonie has been declared a terrorist organisation by the Empire of Pavlov and its member-states, which include the State of Sandus, have been declared personae non gratae in Pavlov, according to a news article from the Pavlovian Gazette. The organisation and its members were in the process of considering diplomatic responses to Francophobic and Homophobic comments by officials of Pavlov and Lostisland when the news came that Pavlov had entered the entire MicroFrancophonie onto its list of terrorist organisations.

Comments made by the Lostislandian Supreme Judge and Pavlovian Chief Inquisitor, amongst others, included denigration of other micronationalists and slandering the MicroFrancophonie with homophobic slurs.

Member-states were considering diplomatic options expressing their dislike of recent comments made by Lostisland and Pavlov officials, and several individual member-states had already decided to block and prevent communication with Lostisland and Pavlov. Sandus has become the most recent micronation to block Pavlovian officials, in conjunction with its Francophone partners.

In response to M. Andreescu’s comments, Mme Secrétaire-Générale la Princesse Olivia-Eugénie d’Aigues-Mortes released the following statement:

Dear Friends of the MicroFrancophonie,

I come to make aware with disgust and incomprehension of the denigration of the French language pronounced by M. Iaroslav Andreescu, Chief Inquisitor of the Empire of Pavlov. These actions were supported by M. Yaroslav Mar, who is the Supreme Consul of the Pavlovian Inquisition, therefore close to M. Andreescu, but moreover he is the Ambassador in Russia of the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis, which is today an “invited member” of the MicroFrancophonie and candidate to the permanent entry as a “Francophile Member.”

The deed of an official Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis approves that he treats the French language as “a language of idiots,” which poses a serious problem to the participation of this micronation in our organisation.

As all of you, I await not only the apologies of the Ambassador, but also of the concrete actions of his counterpart. We have welcomed the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis with open arms; it is not for one of their Ambassadors to come to insult us. I call on the Grand Duke.

Her Serene Highness, the Princess Olivia-Eugénie of Aigues-Mortes
General Secretary of MF

Diplomatic back channels will remain open for communication between Sandus and Pavlov, one of two states which have become increasingly isolated for undiplomatic and poor natured actions in the past several days. Pending response and reaction from a few undisclosed number of micronations, Sandus may extend the embargo to more countries — citing a lack of professionalism and diplomatic respect amongst officials.

One response to “Sandus, MicroFrancophonie respond to Pavlov Terrorism List”

  1. I am not a man of many words, all I can say to you, Mr iaroslav is that you can not disrespect my Prince. I’m gnarly, and you will go down.

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